Superintendent's Welcome
Welcome to #WeAreWayne!!
The M.S.D. of Wayne Township recently embarked on an aggressive strategic planning process as we exited an extremely challenging period in the history of the United States. One of our overarching principles during this process is that we could not continue to do what we have always done and we know that the M.S.D. of Wayne must operate differently moving forward and in the way that our stakeholders desire. A mission "To activate and accelerate student learning" emerged as a result. How, with a vision "To develop GREAT people" and a belief " the power of belonging, collaboration, and growth". Also, this process identified some core values our community wants from the district including creating the conditions for data-driven growth for both students and staff, providing a human-centered and culturally responsive system, engaging in a productive struggle to reach our full potential, saying what we mean and following through on our commitments to ourselves and others, and investing in our relationships to earn trust. We will accomplish this through four focus areas of reconceptualizing teaching and learning, increasing student belonging, recruiting and retaining great staff, and building and sustaining one community.
We are excited to be actively engaged in the ever-changing landscape of the public school system in Indiana. I could not be more proud of the students and staff who are at the table, providing meaningful feedback, and assisting in the redesign efforts at the local and state level. There are many things in those processes that we are not ultimately in control of. However, we are in control of the power of the places we create and cultivate. And, I am challenging each and every one of us to be intentional in increasing the power that our places have. Whether it be the home, our school buses, our school houses, or our community partners, we can control the environments we create and cultivate for the students whom we are so fortunate to work with. It's through those places we create that we will work together to accomplish the mission, vision, values, beliefs, and focus areas that have been collectively identified.
How will we know that we are on the right path? Through our focus on fidelity, effectiveness, and impact. I am so excited to see where this path takes us and the results we see in the growth and development of our students and staff. Thank you for being an integral part of our journey.
If you would like to learn more about what is on my mind on a daily basis, I invite you to follow me on X Formerly Twitter @WayneTwpSuper.