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Professional Development

Why Professional Development?

The Board of Education of MSD Wayne Township believes that quality instruction is of critical importance to a sound educational program and that thorough and ongoing professional development is crucial to maintaining and improving instructional quality in each and every Wayne classroom. The Board supports continuing efforts to provide sound professional development for all staff by adopting the GCL Policy: Professional Development.

This policy stipulates that a program be established which provides all certified staff with opportunities to be oriented and acclimated to the school corporation, the communities it serves and to receive appropriate training and professional development that will establish, enhance and extend each educator’s knowledge, understanding, and skills. This program is foundational in nature and articulates the district’s vision for management, curriculum, instruction, and assessment relative to student need and context. Participants’ authentic engagement with and performance in these courses is essential to their effectiveness in Wayne classrooms. Accordingly, new teachers and administrators shall be required to attend such staff development and training activities each year of their first two (2) years with the MSD of Wayne Township.

The superintendent is expected to approve a program of such training for new teachers and administrators which implements this policy at no expense to the new teacher or administrator and occurs during non-school time.

GCL Policy Requirement

All new certified staff are required to complete thirty-two (32) credits of professional development designated and provided by the corporation without additional compensation during the first two years of their non-permanent status. Staff MUST complete all GCL requirements by March 31st, of the final non-permanent year.

Completing GCL Credits

New certified staff members will contact the GCL secretary upon hiring and receive information regarding enrollment. GCL is organized into cohorts that meet with the same facilitators and participants. PLEASE NOTE: We will try to honor your cohort preference but cohorts are capped at 30 participants.

What to Expect From Your GCL Experience

GCL has two fundamental purposes. One, it provides a foundation of curricular, instructional, assessment, and management expectations at the district level. These expectations are further elaborated on at the building level in order to honor the vision and goals of that school’s context, and meet the needs of it’s students and community. This foundation of expectation provides a common language and understanding of curriculum, instruction, assessment, and management relative to learning and achievement of Wayne Students AND teacher evaluation and accountability. Two, GCL has been structured into cohorts to provide you with a support structure of colleagues with the hope that you develop professional relationships to sustain your continued growth in Wayne over the course of your career. GCL is our commitment to you as a professional to grow and learn in order to best serve the growth and learning of Wayne students, and in the process, continually develop as a highly effective educator. Over the course of your GCL experience, you will work to develop a portfolio that demonstrates your understanding of Wayne expectations with the support of your facilitators and building staff. The face-to-face meetings serve to establish a broad understanding of these expectations from the district perspective, which you will then apply and align to your building context. This portfolio will include but not be limited to the following artifacts showing both knowledge of and growth.

  • Classroom Management Plan and Procedures
  • Exemplary Lesson Plans
  • Exemplary Planned Unit
  • Evidence of Differentiation
  • Evidence of Purposeful Integration of Technology
  • Evidence of Effective use of Assessments
  • Reflection on Practice

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